A previous check function for overview the data sets.
dir = ".",
prefix = "1-pre_check",
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set2")[1:2]
a counts data frame of rows in genes and columns in samples
a list ordered by samples in counts_data
a directory to store results
a prefix of file names in this step
a color palette for plots
a directory contains figures for data QC check
pre_check(counts_input, group_list, tempdir())
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse
#> Too few points to calculate an ellipse
#> 🌳 PCA checking have done, a plot was store in /tmp/RtmppGBVW3.
#> 🌳 Correlation checking have done, a plot was store in /tmp/RtmppGBVW3.
#> 🌳 Correlation to top 500 genes checking have done, a plot was store in /tmp/RtmppGBVW3.
#> 🌳 Standard Deviation top 1000 genes checking have done, a plot was store in /tmp/RtmppGBVW3.