default will return a top 100 deg heatmap in p value = 0.05
top = 50,
cut_P = 0.05,
dir = ".",
prefix = "2-DEG",
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set2")[1:2]
a counts data frame of rows in genes and columns in samples
a DEG data frame contains logFC and p value
a character vector ordered by samples in counts_data
which column is log FC
which column is P value
a single number or a length of 2 numeric vector, if 2 numeric vector, first one is top max logFC.
threshold value of P value, can set for every cut_FC number in numeric vector format
a directory to store results
a prefix of file names in this step
a color palette for plots
a heatmap plot file
enhance_heatmap(counts_input, DEG_df, group_list,
x = "log2FoldChange", y = "pvalue", dir = tempdir())