Every mutation tree from infSCITE is formatted as parent Vector in sample file. For example:

pvtre <- "11 2 3 14 14 16 8 6 9 1 15 8 10 14 5 13 17"

We can reformat it to nwk that is a format easy to be visualization.

# reformat
reformatParentVector <- function(pvtre) {
  lapply((strsplit(pvtre,"[ ]",)), function(x){
  }) |> unlist()
pvtre1 = reformatParentVector(pvtre)
# convert to nwk
nwk_text <- parentVector2nwk(pvtre1,17)
#> [1] "((((((((((8)7,(1)12)9)10)2)3)4,5,(((13)11)16)14)15)6)17)18;"

Plot a mutation tree. In order to clearly display the structure of the tree. Red points and red numbers represent a mutation node (label in table). Black numbers mean the order of node in tree, from leaves to internal nodes (parent and node in table).

tre <- treeio::read.newick(text = nwk_text)
mtr <- ggtree(tre) + 
  geom_nodepoint(size = 1,color = "red",shape = 20) +
  geom_nodelab(color = "red",nudge_y = 0.1)+
  geom_nodelab(aes(label = node))+
  geom_tippoint(size = 1,color = "red",shape = 20)+
  geom_tiplab(color = "red",nudge_y = 0.1)+
  geom_tiplab(aes(label = node))
tre_dat <- tre %>% as_tibble()
tre_table <- gridExtra::tableGrob(tre_dat, theme = ttheme_minimal())
gridExtra::grid.arrange(tre_table, mtr, nrow = 1,widths = c(1,2))
Mutation Tree

Mutation Tree

tree data tree structure

Root, leaf and internal nodes will be kept and recode and all node in branch will move to the nearest node.

For example, node 6 and 7 with label 13 and 16 will move to node 8 and node 8 will re-code to 6 for root is 5 and re-label with 13,6,15. More addition, branch length will be changed according to mutation number.

re-code and re-labeled tree

stack_mutationTree() can be used to complete the transform of re-code and re-label.

stre <- stack_mutationTree(tre)

Lets check what happened.

mtrs <- ggtree(stre)+
  geom_nodepoint(size = 1,color = "red",shape = 20) +
  geom_nodelab(color = "red",nudge_y = 0.1,nudge_x = -0.4)+
  geom_nodelab(aes(label = node))+
  geom_tippoint(size = 1,color = "red",shape = 20)+
  geom_tiplab(color = "red",nudge_y = 0.1,nudge_x = -0.4)+
  geom_tiplab(aes(label = node))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0:10), limits = c(0,12))
tre_dats <- stre %>% as_tibble()
tre_tables <- gridExtra::tableGrob(tre_dats, theme = ttheme_minimal())
gridExtra::grid.arrange(tre_tables, mtrs, nrow = 2)